Shop Tour Our Rottler SG10A seat and guide machine is truly state-of-the-art. It features CNC touchscreen controls, a large 3.125 spindle, and Unipilot technology to deliver a consistent concentric seat every time. This shot shows some of our block department Our Berco BT6 Line Boring machine. Whether just truing them up or final sizing after line boring, our Sunnen line hone can accurately hone your main bores. Equipped with 7 different mandrels we can handle a large variety of main bore diameters. Our CWT engine balancing machine uses the latest software and technology to balance your rotating assembly. This is far more accurate and efficient than the old strobe light balancers you may find elsewhere. Our connecting rod department features a Sunnen rod hone, Berco rod boring machine, and a Delta cap grinder to accurately and efficiently machine your rods. Our Berco line bore with air float head boring a 1930s REO block. This shot shows some of our block department Our Sunnen SV-10A automatic cylinder hone utilizes diamond abrasive technology paired with computerized movements to produce a consistent and true bore every time. This Duramax block with its induction hardened portion of the bore can prove troublesome for older “stones” but are handled with ease with our diamond abrasives. Our Berco milling machine utilizes CBN and PCD inserts to deliver a perfect finish to suit all of your gasket requirements. Shown is a block in our BHJ block true fixture.